Offorte Blog | 3
Be inspired by offorte in the field of proposals, sales, entrepreneurship and digital possibilities in these valuable articles.

Monday, December 6, 2021 - Sales
Discounts in proposals: to do or not to do?
“The proposal looks good, but I'm afraid the price is a bit above our budget. Can we have a little talk about that?” We all experience it and may have asked for a discount ourselves. A discount in proposals is often a discussion point. That's why we've listed the most important pros and cons for you. Just to think about, to keep them in the light when making a proposal or as a handy tool for negotiation. Do or dont include a discount in your proposals?
Monday, October 4, 2021 - Sales
A good sales call is worth gold
A good sales call is worth gold, that's not rocket science, we all know that. And yet we might underestimate these conversations. There are plenty of them that end up with disappointment. One thing is for sure: after a good sales interview, the chances of getting a yes to your proposal are significantly higher. In other words, with a good conversation, you will lay the foundation for your offer and put the customer or prospect into yes mode. But what is a good sales conversation and how do you realize it? In this blog, we'll take a closer look at this. Are you an ambitious entrepreneur or sales professional and want to improve your conversations and conversion? Read on and get inspired! The Power of a Sales meeting
Monday, July 12, 2021 - Sales
Make a Proposal? Know your customers' UBRs!
In the past, when writing a proposal, you could do with sales arguments that made the distinction between your company and the competition clear. But nowadays, not your company, but the customer is central. Reason enough to take a good look at your customer or prospect's sales motives and include them in your proposals. Use Unique Buying Reasons when writing proposals
Friday, May 28, 2021 - Sales
Start Gamification for more sales
More and more companies are applying gamification in their sales process. Gamification gives your sales a decent boost! What am I saying? I've come across cases where there was more than a doubling. That alone is reason enough to devote a blog to it. So, are you ready to play? Use gamification in your sales process
Thursday, April 8, 2021 - Proposal Writing
Top 5 proposal blunders
This time a blog about proposal blunders. Not to point the finger or to laugh at the creators, certainly not. Besides, I also have a few in my name, number 3 for example, been there, done that. No, this blog is mainly meant to prevent you from commuting these flaters and just get lots of orders! Proposal blunders: the top 5
Friday, March 12, 2021 - Product Updates
In-depth insights into your proposal process with Insights from Offorte
Curious about your monthly performance from your account and individual users? Do you want to know what your conversion ratio is and how many days it takes on average to get an agreement on your proposal? You can discover this data and much more now with the new Premium feature: Trends & Insights. New trends & insights overview
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 - Proposal Writing
Beat writer's block when creating proposals with these tips
Everyone gets stuck when making a proposal. Maybe you can't focus for a moment, or you just don't find the right words. And... the thought that the proposal may arrive at the customer later than expected results in a short circuit rather than inspiration. Fortunately, we have something for that: no less than 10 practical and directly applicable tips with which you can deliver your proposal perfect and on time. Solve writer's block when creating your proposals
Thursday, January 21, 2021 - Product Updates
Proposals almost write themselves with the use of Artificial Intelligence
Writing a business proposal is not a hobby for everyone, but it is essential for your business. To make your life easier and to help you when you are staring at a blank screen, we have added a new feature to Offorte that writes proposal texts for you. At least, that will help you on your way and can inspire you to come up with that ultimate, deal winning piece of text. Artificial Intelligence used to write business proposals
Monday, January 18, 2021 - Sales
Help, a customer is not sure about my proposal!
You are satisfied with the conversation and the proposal you sent afterward. You think there is a good chance that you can carry out the assignment, and you are even looking forward to it. Then it is quite a bit to swallow if the customer or prospect indicates that he does not know yet. But it is not, however, a reason to be discouraged. On the contrary, it is an extra opportunity! The customer or prospect may need more information to make a decision. Read on to find out how best to dispel any doubts. Convince doubting customers with these handy tips
Monday, December 14, 2020 - Sales
Very strong! Social proof in your business offers
If 1,000 people indicate that something is good, it will be. This is how social proof works. It will not surprise you that especially web shops use this every day. It ensures demonstrably more conversion. The numbers don't lie! A great opportunity to strengthen the persuasiveness of your proposals. In this blog, therefore, everything about social evidential value and how you can apply this successfully in your offers. Use social proof in business proposals
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 - Sales
Good cooperation starts with your proposal
Good cooperation is based on trust and attention for each other. It is about clear agreements and responsibilities. About achieving goals and using knowledge and strength. But even with these opportunities in mind, it is occasionally a challenge to find the right words for your proposal. In this blog, three inspiring tips that will help you achieve an agreement and good cooperation. A proposal is the starting point for a good cooperation
Friday, December 4, 2020 - Proposal software
Digital proposals: answers to the most frequently asked questions
Are you looking for an online proposal tool? Smart move! A proposal is an important link in the sales process and also a perfect tool with which you can distinguish yourself from the competition. A clear, well-prepared proposal is then a prerequisite. But customers nowadays expect more from the proposals they receive. Customer experience, clear options and digital signatures are high on their wish list. With a digital proposal you can quickly and easily meet all these wishes. Answer to questions about digital proposals
Monday, November 30, 2020 - Proposal software
Legal validity of digital signature explained
More and more people are discovering the benefits of online proposals. Where traditional (PDF) proposals often remain printed out on a desk for a few weeks, we see that online proposals are approved much faster. Customers can immediately accept proposals online and confirm this via an electronic signature. But what about those electronic signatures? Are they just as valid from a legal point of view as an ordinary signature? Read on and discover how it works. Electronic signatures explained simply
Friday, November 20, 2020 - Product Updates
Automations & reminders for your proposals
With the new Automations & Reminders functionalities you can automate your proposal process even further. Plan the day you want to send your proposal, send reminders to your customer and follow up with smart messages. Discover how automations make your life easier. New proposal automation & reminder functionalities
Friday, October 30, 2020 - Sales
Get a job or order? Activate the customer's yes button!
Of course you want to win great assignments or orders with your proposals. You do your best to make the best possible offer to the customer or prospect. If only you could crawl into his head to turn on the yes button. The yes button is invisible in everyone's brain. Only neuro-researchers can see it. Fortunately for us, they share their knowledge. Just search neuromarketing. Communication and advertising specialists use the research results to get a grip on the thinking and decision process of consumers (and with success, for that matter). But beware, many of these insights can easily be applied when making proposals. Incorporate one or more neuroprinciples in your proposal and you immediately have a strong lead over your competitors. Read on to discover the 5 most effective neuro-principles that revolutionize the odds of winning proposals! Use neuro principles in your sales and proposals
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